Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The First Entry

Surprise, surprise! I didn't think I'd get another personal blog ever since I deleted my old account set up 5 years ago. The reason: I spent too much time on it. Staying up till the wee hours to create new blog layouts nearly became an addiction. This is one of my bad habits--when I start on something (assignments, editing, researching, craftworks etc.), I cannot make myself stop until I get it done or near perfection (at least to me). Usually, I end up tiring myself out. On a lighter note, I do succumb to laziness occasionally. I'm only human.

I graduated from St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary and Secondary), Nan Yang Junior College, and I'm currently taking a Communications degree in SIM. These 3 schools have provided me with very different learning environments. I've met nasty people, but the wonderful friends I've made totally make up for it.

3 essentials that I take out with me are my phone, digital camera and my wallet. At a party (or anywhere), you'll find me taking loads of pictures of whatever's going on. The flash will be right in your face! The girls don't usually mind, it's the guys that dodge. I love editing photographs on Adobe Photoshop. It's really interesting what you can do with it once you've gotten the hang of it. In fact, this background was made on Photoshop with some of my childhood pictures. That was the easy part. Creating the HTML code for this blog gave me dark eye rings.

I seriously have an extra, extra soft spot for children and old people. I've let a bunch of stranger kids con me of a couple of dollars before.

Apart from all these, I truly love the company of my parents and my good friends. Anyway, keeping a blog as an assignment is really one of a kind. I can't wait to post more entries...

***This blog address was created in honest mockery of the hype over the "i" in product names. I'll give it to Apple for being original (iPod, iTunes), but Osim's iGallop, iCare, iGoGo, iSqueeze? I'm sure they can stop abusing the "i." Maybe that's why they came up with uZap and uPilot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent stuff, you are cut out for this business!

January 19, 2007 1:47 AM  
Blogger Renhao said...

Yeah man to have whipped all this up yourself... I feel ashamed. haha.

January 19, 2007 8:52 PM  

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