Saturday, January 27, 2007

Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite

My father gave me this book as a gift last year. It is written by Paul Arden, the former executive creative director at Saatchi & Saatchi.

A casual browse through this book would show you that it is not wordy but filled with artistic pictures that are supported with thought provoking words. This book tells us how success can be achieved by those who stray from the norm.

Every page of this book is intriguing! Of course, I don't agree with 100% of what is discussed, it's quite personal so it depends. However, if you are interested in something for easy reading then you should read this book! I've lent it to Yepp over the holidays and he really liked it.

Portugal Virtual

With regards to my previous post, Portugal Virtual is the name of the Talker that I tried out just to get a screen shot of it. I only got through the username and password stage. I don't exactly know how to use it, but it sure does look pretty basic and plain. It is not the only MUT (Multi-User Talk) that still exists. If you search the web, you'd find more!

Here's the link if you want to check it out:

COM 125 Week 2: The Evolution of the MUD

Like any other modern Internet technology, the MSN (Microsoft Network) messenger is one of the results of the evolution of an older technology dating way back to 1977. This was the early form of instant messaging--MUD (Multi-User Dungeon or Multi-User Dimension), a program which the Generation Y would most likely be unfamiliar with. Now, let us look at how the technology of instant messaging has evolved and improved over the years.


A MUD is basically a multi-player computer game that allows players to communicate through chat rooms as they play the game. This feature of a MUD allowed its users to have the earliest form of communicating with other users in real-time. Real-time communication via the Internet is now known to us as instant messaging. According to Rheingold, "A MUD is communications soup in real time, with a flavor of improvisatory theater."

This early form of instant messaging existed on a Bulletin Board System. The Bulletin Board System allowed the exchanging of simple text messages between users and was the primary kind of online community before the World Wide Web (WWW) was introduced (Layton, Scott, et al., 2005).


UNaXcess, the first talker, was introduced in 1984. MUT (Multi-User Talk), also known as talker, is similar to the idea of a MUD. However, a MUT does not contain the element of a game and is solely for users to engage in real-time communication that is text-based.

Being an early system of instant messaging, MUT did not possess a central authority nor did it collect a database of its users ("Talker," 2007). Thus, without proper information about its users, those who communicated through MUT could take up any identity simply by changing their display name.


IRC (Internet Relay Chat) should sound more familiar to most of us. Indeed, it has definitely earned its recognition in the history of the Internet. Created by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988 to replace MUT, "IRC gained prominence when it was used to report on the Soviet Coup attempt of 1991 throughout a media blackout" ("Internet Relay Chat," 2007).

IRC consists of a wide range of channels where users of different groups or interests can gather together to chat in the main channel and engage in private one-on-one conversations through private chat. IRC ensures that no two users are logged on with the same display name. However, it also allows one to register a user name so that no one else can use it.

IRC users can receive messages from any other users unless they choose to block him/her. Thus, the likelihood of receiving a chat message from a stranger is high. Similar to MUD and MUT, IRC is a simple text-based program. An example of would be mIRC which can be "beautified" with mIRC scripts downloaded off the Internet.


ICQ (the play on the phrase "I seek you") was developed by Mirabilis by four Israelis: Yair Goldfinger, Arik Vardi, Sefi Vigiser and Amnon Amir ("ICQ," 2007). ICQ users are assigned with a unique UIN (Unified Identification Number) upon signing up. Users can add one another onto their list of friends by email or UIN. Unlike earlier forms of instant messaging, ICQ allows its users to select who they want to add onto their personal list to ensure that users have control over who they want to engage in conversation with. Thus, the likelihood of receiving messages from strangers is much lower.

Most of us would remember ICQ as the program that plays an "eh oh!" sound upon receiving a new message. I would say that the popularity of ICQ marked the start of an instant messaging program that keeps a database of its users and gives you the privilege of selecting who you want to add to your list. An improvement from earlier instant messaging programs is that ICQ is able to run in the background ("New Solutions for P2P Communications").

1999-MSN messenger

MSN messenger can be classified as currently the most widely used instant messaging program in Singapore. Apart from the exchanging of simple text messages, the newer versions of MSN messenger allow audio and video conversations, transferring of files, and two-player games. In addition, emoticons (small images that replace the usage of expressions through text), animated winks, and display pictures allow users to personalize their messenger and liven up conversations ("Windows Live Messenger"). Similar to ICQ, MSN messenger runs in the background and allows one to have control over who is added to their list of contacts.

What started off as a mere exchange of simple text messages during gaming through the Internet has now evolved into an age of real-time communication through instant messaging programs. Such technology has also reduced the need to send e-mails to one another if both parties are logged online at the same time.

With the improvement of instant messaging programs, they no longer only satisfy the need for casual online conversations. Due to globalization, companies can now effectively communicate with overseas staff via instant messaging programs. By simply signing on to your account, you can communicate with friends or colleagues all over the world. Such programs contribute to the fact that we are now living in a global village. To add on, communicating through instant messaging is not only convenient but it's free!

Cons of instant messaging programs:
Like most things, instant messaging programs come with an opportunity cost. The lack of a physical presence makes interpreting messages more inaccurate. Also, the fact that we can now communicate with numerous people simply by logging on to an instant messaging program makes interpersonal communication lose its personal touch. So, embrace what technology has given us, but do not become an Internet "junkie"!

ICQ. (2007). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved January 25, 2007, from

Internet Relay Chat. (2007). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved January 26, 2007, from

Layton, A., Scott, J., et al. (2005). What is bulletin board system? Retrieved January 26, 2007, from,,sid9_gci213807,00.html

New Solutions for P2P Communications. Retrieved January 25, 2007, from

Rheingold, H. (1993). Visionaries and Convergences: The Accidental History of the Net. The Virtual Community. New York: Perseus Books. Retrieved from

Talker. (2007). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved January 26, 2007, from

Windows Live Messenger. Retrieved January 26, 2007, from


Monday, January 22, 2007

My Soft Spot

First video-The Bloopers:

Second video-The full song:


I think she's really adorable! It's a must-see! I've had the song all along but it's the first time I've actually seen the video.

If the 2 videos didn't melt your heart, then you must be a real cold-hearted person. Either that, or you have Pedophobia - the fear of children. I wonder how you can fear children when they are the most innocent and adorable ones around. But yes, such a phobia does exist! There's a whole list of phobias that I've never even heard of. However, one that I'm familiar with is Achluophobia - the fear of darkness. Embarrassing but true, I'm terrified of the dark! So don't turn the lights out on me please =)


What's your worst fears? Check out the long list of Phobias here!

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I've just created a new blog template. So, here it is.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


"The world out there might not judge you fairly, but you lead your own life" -- Kevin Lim (My COM125 lecturer).

Now that's a line I vividly remember from class today. We should all give it some thought! Are we living our lives the way others have influenced us to or have we maintained our individuality?

I might be considered too young to comment on this issue. However, I feel that I've been through enough to understand that we can't please everyone. A couple of years ago, I thought that being a people-pleaser would make life easy for me. I was wrong. It's tiring!

I went to watch a soccer match at the National Stadium in the evening. Singapore vs Indonesia. The poor referee got jeered at by either team's supporters no matter what he did. It's either a loud "referee *kayu!" from the left or a "boo!" from the right. Poor guy!

I guess referees try to turn a deaf ear to the crowd's jeering, which is what we should do if we are being judged unfairly! I think that's what Kevin was trying to tell us. I THINK.

If you judge others, be prepared to be judged yourself!


*Kayu = Malay word for wood--used to suggest stupidity.
Definition of "kayu" was found on
TalkingCock.Com <---Click to visit.
It's amusing!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The First Entry

Surprise, surprise! I didn't think I'd get another personal blog ever since I deleted my old account set up 5 years ago. The reason: I spent too much time on it. Staying up till the wee hours to create new blog layouts nearly became an addiction. This is one of my bad habits--when I start on something (assignments, editing, researching, craftworks etc.), I cannot make myself stop until I get it done or near perfection (at least to me). Usually, I end up tiring myself out. On a lighter note, I do succumb to laziness occasionally. I'm only human.

I graduated from St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary and Secondary), Nan Yang Junior College, and I'm currently taking a Communications degree in SIM. These 3 schools have provided me with very different learning environments. I've met nasty people, but the wonderful friends I've made totally make up for it.

3 essentials that I take out with me are my phone, digital camera and my wallet. At a party (or anywhere), you'll find me taking loads of pictures of whatever's going on. The flash will be right in your face! The girls don't usually mind, it's the guys that dodge. I love editing photographs on Adobe Photoshop. It's really interesting what you can do with it once you've gotten the hang of it. In fact, this background was made on Photoshop with some of my childhood pictures. That was the easy part. Creating the HTML code for this blog gave me dark eye rings.

I seriously have an extra, extra soft spot for children and old people. I've let a bunch of stranger kids con me of a couple of dollars before.

Apart from all these, I truly love the company of my parents and my good friends. Anyway, keeping a blog as an assignment is really one of a kind. I can't wait to post more entries...

***This blog address was created in honest mockery of the hype over the "i" in product names. I'll give it to Apple for being original (iPod, iTunes), but Osim's iGallop, iCare, iGoGo, iSqueeze? I'm sure they can stop abusing the "i." Maybe that's why they came up with uZap and uPilot.